Double chest of Iron Blocks [Auction]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Snaiyls, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. Valid:
    Fellyboy 10k
    BushySpecialK 75k
    BushySpecialK 87k <- Valid but Fellyboy misbid so we're back at 75k in my opinion
    Fellyboy 90k <- Valid but probably still confused
    NetherSpectre 100k <- The last valid bid almost three days ago.
    deathconn and NetherSpecter like this.
  2. So I think I'll wait for a Staff member to look this one over... I forgot about it but the chain of misbids might be to much.
  3. why is lobby's bid invalid he overbid the last valid bid by 12k(the minimum was 10k)
    If I'm wrong please correct me please
  4. Ignoring all bids that weren't increased by the minimum bid increase, as well as ones that would then be double-bids, the chain would go:
    ...Making NetherSpecter's bid valid, and therefore toby316625's bid invalid. Hence, NetherSpecter won with his bid of 100,000r, like Snaiyls said. In future, to all who bid here, please be sure to pay close attention to the minimum bid increment posted in the OP.
    azoundria likes this.
  5. You are basing Toby's bid's validity on a previous bid that was invalid since it was only an increase of 2k from the one prior to it.

    For my comment above, I threw out all the invalid ones and only considered them valid if they were 10k or more greater than the last valid one rather than the last bid. So, 10k, 75k, 87k, 90k, and 100k. I'm not sure how the Staff decides these, that's just how I saw it this morning when I posted.

    Then the Auctioneer said Toby was winning then said he had an invalid bid so Toby never had a chance to correct it regardless of what the next bid amount should have been.

    The whole thing is a chain of invalid bids. I'd hate to be the one to have to make a decision about it.
    tuqueque likes this.
  6. Starting bid was 1r and the first bid was 10k <- should have been 10'001r.
    The next valid bid was 75k
    After several miss bids we have 105k

    Based on all the inaccurate bids and confusion which should have been corrected by the auctonear I would suggest starting over, you should not count the bids where a player is out bidding them selves due to confusion. That includes the 105k bid which was also part of that. So I would have to consider this invalid as the only valid bid was the 75k before all the confusion took over.
  7. Report again if you would like the Auction thread closed.
  8. Nope (my two cents).

    Fellyboy 10k (anything at or above 1r is valid)
    BushySpecialK 75k
    BushySpecialK 87k (nothing in the rules says somebody can't outbid themselves, period (even if it's clear they don't know what they're doing).
    NetherSpectre 100k , the last valid bid

    If bidders don't understand what a "min bid increase" is then that's their fault. Anyone can ask a question of the auctioneer if they don't understand. It's called accountability. And yes, the auctioneer could have done better managing this, but his rules were clearly stated. You can't invalidate an auction because of "all the confusion" which was brought on by the lack of knowledge of others.
    Pab10S likes this.
  9. How about guys...
    We start again...
  10. Unfortunately I agree with Uber_Corq. The 10k first bid is valid, as it was higher than the starting price of 1r. However, it may be best to start over if people are going to feel resentful over this and even the staff disagree.
  11. The first bid was valid, as the rules state. I hold my opinion on the chain of bids as I said them, and as both Pab10S and MatthewDA have said. Don't just start over because of confusion, simply ignore the confused bids. Again, I maintain that NetherSpecter won with his bid of 100k. I will close the auction when I hear it has been payed, and we can all move on with our lives, and our rupees. Sorry, Silken_thread. :p
  12. I do agree with the winner being NetherSpectre @ 100k.
    Looking at this two different ways, he still came out on top.

    Thing to keep in mind, that min bid increase is 10,000 rupees.
    At an auction start, the minimum was 1 rupee.
    As the first bid was greater than the starting bid, it is valid.

    Thereafter, after the first bid of 10,000 rupees, the minimum bid increments kick in.

    Think of it this way, if someone bid 1 rupee to start off, and nobody else bid, would they win the auction?
  13. You should have just received my money, let me know what I can pick up at your res :)
  14. as previous bids have a an impact on successive bids, it is the bidders responsibility to make sure that bids are valid but it is also the auctioneers responsibility to make it known what bids were invalid at the time. This has not happened until after the auction completed. How am i supposed to make a decision on how much to bid when i dont know what bids are valid or invalid? I would also support a start from the beginning.
    Pab10S likes this.
  15. I conseed the starting bid, however the other bids which where in error forced players to bid against themselves and so the bid of 75k is the only valid bid. While there are higher bids they where all in error. However if you just pick the highest bid that ignores the auction rule of minimum bid of 10k.

    On the other hand if you ignore the confusion of bids in error then one of the higher bids win, not sure who though as I am on my phone and its not so easy to check.
  16. Okay il set it up now
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