Do you use Yahoo for Email?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Mine have not went to spam, and I use and ...
  2. Huh, I don't think I've ever gotten emails from EMC. :confused:

    As for all you people advocating gmail or Yahoo, why quibble over two fine sites when we can have even more fun by trash-talking aol? =P
    Kephras and Trapper777 like this.
  3. Anybody use a dial-up emulator inside a Windows 95 emulator in a Mac to read their mail?
    607 and princebee like this.
  4. Because people told me to be kind to the elderly.

    *runs and hides*
  5. I use gmail lucky me :D
  6. Aww, be nice to AOL, it's only maybe a hundred years old.

    *searches for rainbowchin so i can hide with him*
  7. I have just as many problems with hotmail as yahoo...

    For best email delivery, use Gmail.
    Typically once the email provider realizes you use said site, they wont send the emails to spam.

    Also - Email 101 time!
    Please do not click Spam button for any email from a website you know you did register on. Reporting as spam is something many people do to mark an email as "I don't want this", but please don't do that!

    Clicking that report as spam is essentially like calling the cops saying that company did something illegal.
    It's not nice to call the cops on someone who didn't do anything wrong.

    Please use the websites unsubscribe option (usually in the footer of an email, but forums typically require you to login) to stop receiving emails, and just hit delete and not spam.
    TechFilmer, 607, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  8. Okie dokie, miens always fine, but it has been changing a lot.
  9. What about "Block" on Hotmail/Outlook? Does it do the same thing? If it requires me to log in to unsubscribe or the process is intentionally tricky, I'll usually resort to that
    607 likes this.