since the old doctor (from doctor who) has left some people have been kinda sad about whether he should be the doctor or not so plz write below what u think.
I like Peter Capaldi, he is a very good doctor in my opinion , though my personal favourite was David Tennant and i don't think he will be matched. I took a disliking to Matt Smith so i wasn't disappointed when he stopped Also lets get Krysyy in here
David Tennant will always be my fave imo, I cried so many times throughout those series, everytime on Bad Wolf Bay with Rose and anything with Wilf (Benard Cribbins) in it! I cant help myself. I do like Peter Capaldi tho tbh, its the darkest I've ever known Doctor Who be. Did you see last nights? With that Mummy thing? Scary stuff!!
Peter Capaldi can never replace David Tennant although i dont hate him its just i dont like him as much as David because personally i think David did the best
Brad pitt would be terrible at being the doctor even tho he is a good actor he won't be good at sci-fi although he would look good in the doctor's suits
Lol i didn't know about it until 25 minutes ago when Charlietime told me all about it :3 and i watch a bit on demand