Nation of Volt (ESTABLISHED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by rock00888, Aug 2, 2013.

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  1. I'm informing Voltian citizens that they aren't allowed to come into GR territory.

    And I will enforce it, probably by just in return not listening to Rock telling me I can't come into Wrem...
  2. I suspect this is going to be enforced in the same way that the EMC militia enforced the rule that no non-millita members we're allowed to use the overworld bridge connecting Wrem to Volt . If you have ever used that bridge, you will know that they didn't enforce it, because there is no way to enforce it.

    This is getting beyond childish and I think both of you need a timeout in your own retrospective threads and stop talking to each other for awhile.
  4. Please watch the caps.
    PenguinDJ and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  5. Leave the lad alone, he said both of you need a timeout, not just you.
    SoulPunisher and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  6. Wow, aren't you good at diplomatic talk.

    He can't, it's that simple. Stop acting like a child.
  7. Mall is now on the 7th story
  8. Wow, I just realised it has been well over a year since I first founded Volt. Way back in the New Republic. We have come so far.
  9. After some thought I have decided that if we can reach 20 active citizens (as in they visit regularly) we shall start a process of democratic reforms! Including the limiting of the leader's powers. Giving a formal name for the leader, and direct democratic elections on many things! Invite your freinds, or if you haven't joined yet now is the perfect time!
    devon699, mba2012, kitten3101 and 2 others like this.
  10. Plans are being made for a new Iron Farm, anyone wishing to help, it would be greatly appreciated!
  11. Subway nearing completion. The east line was just finished today, only the north line to go. When I finish the subway I will post the routes and directions for use. These new subways should cut travel time to corners of the city by 100%.
  12. Looking for new members if anyone is looking for a outpost to join.
  13. Still looking for new people to join Volt. Free land and tons of opportunity.
  14. After several failed models, rock00888 is the first man in space in the east wild!, with devon699 following with the second person in east wild in space title! With confirmed launch heights of 277 meters above the void this is the highest any east wilder has ever gone to our knowledge. Many screenshots exist of this even, but they are classified as of this time. Expect some photographic evidence soon!
    The rocket that carried the Voltian and Estonian nauts into space was called the VE Rocket, or the Volt/Estona rocket.

    Note we classify space as anything above 256 above the void.
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. what?
    rock00888 likes this.
  16. You should build a space centre, like the LLO has/is getting :p
    rock00888 likes this.
  17. The GR rock is working on actual Air Travel and Space Travel, not pillaring up and then exploiting in some form to get that high.
  18. I haven't actually seen anywhere that says you have to put down everything that other nations do. I don't see it happening IRL, so I don't quite see why it needs to happen here.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  19. 277 blocks above the void?

    Sorry, but Rock and Devon clearly have some exploiting going on.
  20. There was not explotation. We just got there. Yes MBA, we should! Ill have to get to work on that. We also have no intention of building a long term space program ATM and frankly I don't see the point of build an air travel system as I have yet to see aircraft added to MC.
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