Nation of Volt (ESTABLISHED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by rock00888, Aug 2, 2013.

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  1. kitten. you need to light up your town. i was almost killed by mobs when i visited :(
    rock00888 likes this.
  2. A bit odd to put this on the forum, lol
  3. Siniy.
    Tell me in detail where you were.
    And siniy.
    I am even more lighted up then WREM.
    And the only mobs are on top of the Kitz.
  4. Light, not lighted, light.
    Neuro98 likes this.
  5. lol :p
  6. Anyone looking to join Volt?
  7. Rock.

    I am going to make it clear.

    That I do not like you going into my house and parking your horse there.

    What about under the railway station?

    Outside the train station?
  8. Sorry, will move ASAP.
  9. Free plots to those who join Volt!
  10. Yeah join it!
    rock00888 likes this.
  11. Looking for people to come out to volt, tons of stuff to be built if your a good builder!
    Neuro98 likes this.
  12. We got the official ESTABLISHED!
    Neuro98 likes this.
  13. How come Volt is bloody established?

    Excuse my language, but cough cough STONEGUARD AND SNOWV.
  14. Simple, they applied and got in.
    L0tad and rock00888 like this.
  15. The application was filed when snowv was inactive and SG belonged to Estona (it may still belong to estona, im not sure)
    Neuro98 likes this.
  16. It isn't out 5000 blocks!

    Does this mean I can establish Neorepopolis?

    No, it probably DOSEN'T.
  17. No, Volt city is more than 5000 blocks out. Please stop posting about how unfair you think this is.
    Neuro98 and Mrlegitislegit like this.
  18. Kitten how about u just congratulate and move on.... us kind of sound like a whining kid my friend.
  19. looking for people to help build railways, dig really big holes, and build buildings!
  20. i like digging and rails
    rock00888 likes this.
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