
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Seanawesome14, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Recently in-game Melk73, Shadyshannon, and I were talking. Shannon said something funny so melk73 says lol @ #ShadyShannon So I've decided to start that. Anytime you are in-game and want to be random say #ShadyShannon. On instagram, facebook, or twitter post #ShadyShannon on your pics/posts. Let's make this a THING!

    crafter31211 likes this.
  2. #ShadyShannon!
  3. #ShadyShannon
  4. I was at plug.dj with her talking about stuff...
    EDIT - her...
  5. ?
  6. ######








    PenguinDJ and Seanawesome14 like this.
  7. Lol.
  8. #ShadyShannon
  9. #ShadyShannon
  10. Can it only be when in-game?
  11. #SlapAChicken
  12. Anywhere. Instagram, forums, facebook, twitter.
  13. #BumpDatShadyShannon
    607 likes this.
  14. FTW
  15. I hate to be that guy, but...
    Your plan is not really within the rules. How about we keep it to just saying it when something is actually funny, or make a list of triggers for it. I can almost guarantee you that if this is spammed across EMC, it won't sit well with the staff (not because they are robots who don't know how to have fun, but because there will reports coming in all the time for it).
    PenguinDJ, sambish20 and Gadget_AD like this.