I leave for Wales in like, 2 hours and a half. Or something. I do one of these threads whenever I go away for holiday (vacation to 'muricans) just because its funny to know about people's reactions to the title. Being a donkey (geddit?) is fun So, byeeee!
Farewell. May my troll face appear in your face as your plane/traing/car/subway blows up. No pressure xD
Lol. Is it bad that I wasn't even phased? Because I saw your status update yesterday when you said you'll start a new outpost when you get back. #stalker #boredatwork
Ah, yes. A plane to a place 1 hour away from me by car. #LivingTheLife I'll do that if I want too Have fun in England; I'm sure it'll be hot and definitely not raining at all. What to say to that?.... ^That A caravan park outside of Welshpool. It's full of Sheep there. You Welsh people would love it more than an English person loves a teacup dressed in a totally hawt bikini. #yudodis #alsomysignatureisadeadgiveawaytoo #whyamiusinghashtags
Farewell my friend.... that I don't really know... Where in Wales are you going? I'm In Australia quite often.