Hi, I'm new. Empire Minecraft is the most active server I could find after reading mcserverlist and testing 7 servers. It is also the most professional one, which means that admins do not change the day and night whenever they want. When is 1.0 version up?
I am glad you enjoy the Empire We are currently waiting for Bukkit to release the server software that powers the core of the Empire servers. Hopefully it will be within the next day or two, but unfortunately it is hard to pick a date. They are working around the clock to get everything out. Thanks for the patience
Bukkit is not out, any server running the very first early build is just impatient and setting up for failure.
Yeah I also have tested the Empire plugin against it, but I already found a couple serious bugs and exploits that would destroy a good server
Right now, I'm trying to use F3 in the single player, to get back home after a humiliated creeper death. But the lag bars reach my coords, and I have to restart all the time to clear the debug screen. Modloader and MCpatcher won't work yet in 1.0 either, so I can't mod it. Justinguy, why won't you just use the Mojang server software like normal people
uhh.... what? oh yeah... uhh.. *high pitch voice* it will be ready at hun. im making mushroom soup with cooked porkchop and tnt extrac... uh i mean tea and extra sugar.
justin if you are in the wilderness/wasteland will you die and lose all your stuff in your inventory when it gets reset or will it automaticly bring you back to town
If you are in wilderness or wasteland you will be in the same place in the new wilderness (the same location) even though it is a new world.
I assume also that it would plonk you on the top most block and not stuck in the middle of a mountain?
Of course it will use the vanilla spawning, and that will not spawn you inside of blocks, and I personally tested it just to make sure.
ok being a tired half-glass-full kind of a person, i must quote qhat some future player might say when they are playing there: "lala im digging for diamonds and redstone lala" *suddenly warning comes up for reset* "lala... shiiiiii...." resets* *player stuck in stone* "crap" i would lol if this happened. i honestly need some friggin sleep now. no more pesimism for you bobert, no more.