What is the greatest outpost on EMC?

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Quite a question, isn't it? Since it's difficult to define 'greatest', maybe we could look at different metrics. All metrics are at time of posting.

    by thread views
    Thread views indicate the interest surrounding an outpost.
    1. The Last Light Outpost, with 176,932 views
    2. The New Republic, with 38,054 views
    3. Wrem, with 10,801 views
    4. The Sunstreak Islands, with 7,424 views
    5. Pazzo, with 6,766 views
    6. The Estonan Federation, with 6,715 views
    7. The Second New Republic, with 6,484 views (across both threads)
    8. Le Edeen Dur, with 5,030 views
    9. The Nation of Volt, with 4,061 views
    10. Avalon, with 2,625 views
    The Last Light Outpost is easily bigger than every other entry on the list combined, and possibly bigger than the views for the entirety of the rest of the forum. Aside from the LLO, the most viewed outpost thread is the NR, with nearly 4 times as many views as Wrem, its successor. The post-NR states account for a combined 28,061 views, while the rest of the outposts on the list (excluding LLO and NR) have a combined 21,845 views.

    The New Republic, the Second New Republic, and Avalon (Nfell's outpost) are the only outposts on this list to have their threads locked.

    by thread replies
    Thread replies indicate actual activity and discussion surrounding an outpost.
    1. The Last Light Outpost, 12,845 posts
    2. The New Republic, 2,781 posts
    3. Wrem, 587 posts
    4. The Second New Republic, 564 posts
    5. The Estonan Federation, 500 posts
    6. The Sunstreak Islands, 454 posts
    7. Le Edeen Dur, 408 posts
    8. Pazzo, 342 posts
    9. The Nation of Volt, 227 posts
    10. Lucky Pirate Crew, 189 posts
    Similar results. Once again, all the results are dwarfed by the LLO. Post-NR states have 1,878 posts, others have 1,393 posts.
    by OP likes
    OP likes are a good indicator of enthusiasm for an outpost project.
    1. The Last Light Outpost, 38 likes
    2. The New Republic, 29 likes
    3. Wrem, 18 likes
    4. The Sunstreak Islands, 15 likes
    5. The Estonan Federation, 13 likes
    6. New Atlantia, 13 likes
    7. Nation of Volt, 12 likes
    8. Lost City Outpost, 11 likes
    9. Crossroads Union, 10 likes
    10. Rainbow Butte, 9 likes
    A bit more of a medley is apparent here. New Atlantia, the Lost City Outpost, the Crossroads Union, and the affectionately named Rainbow Butte all make an appearance, for the value of their detail or humor, which inspires enthusiasm.
    More stats will come soon! These are only forum stats, but I plan to measure outpost size, population and economy soon.
    zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  2. LLO OP pls fix Aikar
  3. Agreed, they have 16 times the views and 22 times the replies of Wrem, their nearest surviving competitor.
    zulu9 likes this.
  4. The LLO thread is just one giant post monster.
    zulu9 and 72Volt like this.
  5. i think greatest outpost should go by the following criterion:
    1. Ease of access (both how easy is it to reach, and how long does it take)
    2. Recovery time and resources - How long does it take to repair griefings; if they occur, and how thorough are the repairs.
    3. Services - what does your outpost offer? is it just a themed conglomeration of housing with no grinders in the immediate vicinity? is there a form of "militia" put in charge of watching over and keeping up the travel system? that kind of thing.
    4. High profile members (this is sort of superlative) - does your outpost contain any "emc celebs" like faithcaster, 72volt, allengero that sort of thing.
    5. Stringency to details - is your outpost themed? is it meant to blend into the environment? if so, are there discrepancies? Is there a house somewhere that does not quite fit the theme of your quiet streets? are multiple themes easily cordoned off and separated?
    6. Time of arrival - how long has everything been there? has there been multiple rebuilds of the town hall? is your city evolving into a nation?

      these 6 criteria should be judged based off a 5 star system and can be somewhat tooled around with. example:
      1. i have a straight rail line that goes 3k in the nether we go back and forth all the time - 5 stars
      2. we repair things as much as possible but some things are missed because we are griefed all the time - 5 stars
      3. we have every kind of grinder imaginable but no formal order to who is in charge of what - 3 stars
      4. aikar stopped by once and blew up (insert classically known banned person here)'s house then tped away. otherwise we arent that well known - 5 stars
      5. Every building is built out of the same 10 materials and all fits together it looks like the forest is invading to the west tho - 4 stars
      6. our outpost has been here 3 weeks and we just keep growing - 4 stars
    its mostly subjective but if outpost owners are honest youll get a good idea of who is the best and who needs some work. as well as the owners also seeing where they could improve
    zulu9, 72Volt and Ark_Warrior1 like this.
  6. Start convo with me and few LLO members so we can update the Op.
    zulu9 likes this.
  7. ill do my outpost on 6 to be fair :)

    1. my outpost has a crappy disjointed rail system but it gets me there quick enough - 2 stars
    2. I never get griefed but if i do and im out there i repair it if i feel like it - 2 stars
    3. half my grinders arent built yet and i barely make it out there enough to work on them im also the only one who does - 1 star
    4. noone but me and merkymind out there most of the time a few others live there but rarely on - 2 stars
    5. ive built everything important myself so it all fits the theme and looks good with the snowy surroundings ive terraformed to fit my will - 5 stars
    6. the outpost has been there too long to be in such poor shape and mostly abandoned - 1 star
    total - 13/30
  8. I think Legit was talking about the LLO being OP as in overpowered ;)

    Damn you have this figured out. Some aspects of what you've mentioned are difficult to quantify, though.
    herocrafter2912 and zulu9 like this.
  9. yeah i know, like i said its a somewhat subjective system but its good qualifiers tho :p
    zulu9 likes this.
    1. Ease of access (both how easy is it to reach, and how long does it take) - 5k+ straight walk through nether, no rail -
    2. Recovery time and resources - How long does it take to repair griefings; if they occur, and how thorough are the repairs. -Never been griefed, griefing would improve the aesthetics - ★★★★
    3. Services - what does your outpost offer? is it just a themed conglomeration of housing with no grinders in the immediate vicinity? is there a form of "militia" put in charge of watching over and keeping up the travel system? that kind of thing. - Iron golem, skeleton, cave spider and blaze grinders which should still work. Witch farm and nether skeleton spawn room, may no longer work. Dark room drop grinder, very likely dangerous to use now with baby zombies on chickens surviving the fall. - ★★★
    4. High profile members (this is sort of superlative) - does your outpost contain any "emc celebs" like faithcaster, 72volt, allengero that sort of thing. - Me - over 9000 stars, but since I haven't been there since I became senior staff -
    5. Stringency to details - is your outpost themed? is it meant to blend into the environment? if so, are there discrepancies? Is there a house somewhere that does not quite fit the theme of your quiet streets? are multiple themes easily cordoned off and separated? -my outpost is built on a discombobulation of blocks theme with a hint of hodge-podge. I have tried to maintain a consistent ratio of cobble, dirt and netherrack but some areas I was required to use glass, wood, gravel or whatever I had on me to fill a gap. -
    6. Time of arrival - how long has everything been there? has there been multiple rebuilds of the town hall? is your city evolving into a nation? -The iron farm has been there since just after the wilderness was last reset (1.2 I think) and the witch farm since witches were added. Nothing has been touched in over a year. -

    Total: ★★★★★★★★★★★

    Seriously if anyone does discover my old outpost you are free to take over. Send me a PM and I will remove my locked chests.
    zulu9, mba2012 and bitemenow15 like this.
  10. Here is my personal rating for our outpost Carthaga:

    1. We have a Netherrail right below bedrock from very close to spawn going straight out to the OP, but it is far (~12mins)- 4 stars
    2. No griefing so far :) - 5 stars
    3. We have a good bunch of grinders and farms, of course there is always more to build - 4 stars
    4. Eh, yes, some of the residents from this server are well known, at least on that server - 3 stars
    5. No theme, everyody can build what he/she wants. Still there are some cute houses and it is becoming a real town center - 3 stars
    6. We started this year and the town is aleady more than half full, and we are still growing. Currently 10+ members - idk, is that good or bad - give it a 3

    zulu9 and bitemenow15 like this.
  11. Avalon's my outpost. I asked Scruffy to lock the thread because I wanted to get the city layout finished, and some basic services setup, before I started inviting people out.
    zulu9 likes this.
  12. ummm wrong thread?
    zulu9 likes this.
  13. Where is it:p
    zulu9 likes this.
  14. Second [star] to the right and straight on till morning
    chickeneer likes this.
  15. Avalon was nfell2009's outpost and when he got banned he passed it down to his brother, Fellyboy, which is the one that Volt is talking about. Yours is a completely different outpost founded a year later; http://empireminecraft.com/threads/avalon-outpost-smp3-established.38897/
  16. I mean coords:p
  17. Thanks for clearing that up. I went waaay back in the threads before I claimed my outpost to try and avoid having one with the same name as someone else. Guess I should have used the search.
  18. You could get your outpost's name changed! Wrem does it all the time :p
    mba2012 and bitemenow15 like this.
  19. Wrem has the habit:p