[100k Giveaway] Two Years AMA

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by QuarterStop, Apr 8, 2014.


How longer have you been playing EMC?

Under a Month 7 vote(s) 6.3%
1-6 months 10 vote(s) 8.9%
6-12 months 7 vote(s) 6.3%
1 year + 32 vote(s) 28.6%
2 years + 56 vote(s) 50.0%
  1. gotta add a question
    QuarterStop likes this.
  2. 54 Best build on emc:)
    QuarterStop likes this.
  3. 15?
    Also Congrats! Seems like everyone's b-day is in spring lol.
    QuarterStop likes this.
  4. 83 plz congratz on 2 years!
    would you rather have an Xbox One or a Play Station 4?
    QuarterStop likes this.
  5. Bump!
    Kev20022 likes this.
  6. 87 por favor. Why a quarter stop and not a half stop?
    QuarterStop likes this.
  7. 88 please. Also what is your kind of favorite Food in minecraft?
    QuarterStop likes this.
  8. Well, I looked through I tried to write down all the taken ones.. I -think- 11 is free! Yay!

    What is the one thing you haven't done that you really really really want to do? :X (I would go sky diving!!)
    QuarterStop likes this.
  9. So when will the drawing be?
    QuarterStop likes this.
  10. 80 please. What is your favorite part of EMC
    QuarterStop likes this.
  11. 92, cows or chickens? And thanks for the giveaway!
    QuarterStop likes this.
  12. Yup, there's this little place on smp4 that I get the cane for my cake from hehe ;)
    Both were taken, I've given youz 54 Co-Owning an original Dragon Egg :D
    I'm worth exactly 4,000,000 quarters.
    8 taken, I've given you 55. I liked the fact that it was a towny server, with no monsters :D
    24 taken, ive given you 57. I love mah home town, smp3 :p
    Hmm.... being nominated in the appreciation contest olaf_c did :D
    I don't buy from shops usually, get what I need. I have gotten to the point where if I have an item and somone needs it I'll sell it to them for whatever price they feel is right ;)
    Co-owning an original dragon egg
    Please submit a question ;)
    Cant really think of something long drawn out that I did, only that I use to mine diamonds with stone thinking it was a hit or miss mining it then I was told iron+ is needed.
    Most likely his number was chosen, and I assigned him 27. My apologies death.
    mah home, smp3.
    I'd run like hell. 55 Was taken. I've given you 62
    smp3 ;)
    Uhrm... what?
    The awesome community that we have. You got 63.
    Many enormous ancient roman buildings.
    No I did not, btw check what the Empire Mail service delivered to you :p
    Kev20022, Mirr0rr and B4DMAN5IMON like this.
  13. I saw. Thank you xD

    Some one else did something like this then and i never got the results xD
    QuarterStop likes this.
  14. No, I like camels. 54 was taken, you've been assigned 76
    61 was taken, I've assigned you 70. I stop myself from going on spending sprees lol
    It is, just ask roblikescake.
    Taken, I've given you 78. Please submit a question. ;)
    +1, thank you.
    smp9, /v fdny21-2. 54 was taken, i've given you 79. Nice username :p
    15 taken, given you 80. Please submit a question ;)
    Defidently PS4, however I'm a PC gamer :p
    If you save up, and don't spend it all it adds up. you play on smp3 right?
    Wheres da question mr. lava walls? D: 72 Was taken, I've given you 82
    I do have HalfStop :D
    Sorreh, its taken :p I gave you 84. I'd like to go snowmobiling in Canada next season. never been there and those trails are wicked awesome :D
    When all numbers are filled ;)
    Our Community. 80 was taken, I gave you 85.
    Cows all the way. Love steak IG and IRL. NP.
  15. 6 spots left! Who will be the lucky ones?!?!
    Kev20022 and Mirr0rr like this.
  16. 90 please and what is you favorite color?
    QuarterStop and Mirr0rr like this.
  17. is 93 still open? in which case 93.
    Congratz on how long you've been on EMC
  18. Thankyou and 79 is fine :)
    QuarterStop likes this.
  19. 97!

    Is this question possible to answer correctly if yes means no?
    QuarterStop and Equinox_Boss like this.