no because then we have to pay for their food, bed, clothes, education, ect... Taxpayers money goes to jail to feed them so pretty much if you pay taxes you are paying to take care of these people ....
Kyle's posts are rarely ever relevant. Also: I don't get why this is here? It's like you're saying "I never griefed anyone so they have never griefed me." or saying those who are griefed have griefed things themselves. I don't even...
I was just stating that I've never griefed, and I've nefer been griefed, so I don't really have that problem.
My very first day on the Empire, I ran into a griefer. He's not even registered on EMC anymore, but this was a rather long time ago. My friend Bobcat joined before I did, and got a small wild base set up on SMP6, out in the tundra. Not nearly far enough from spawn, I now realize, but at the time it seemed nice enough. He showed me, I was followed, and watched my griefer tear up my friend's outpost right in front of me. Looted the chests, killed the livestock, broke the beds, and was presumably laughing while I burned to death attempting to kill him with fire (I was brand new to the server and in a blind panic by that point). It sucks, but the most you can do is learn from it and move on. Rebuild if you're able, or relocate if feasible - report griefing when it happens, and don't let a few bad eggs ruin the game for you.
First of all, thank you for your time in writing these paragraphs XD Second of all, I've been on servers where I see people get banned just because they were angry (about god knows what). In fact, I've been in that chair. I've walked in the angered's shoes. When I first got my minecraft account, I was ADDICTED to factions. I couldn't get enough! Then one day, I asked my dad to buy me some OP armor and tools. He got it for me as a Christmas present. I thought I could beat the world! I stood outside of spawn, waiting to ruin a kids day (I was just 10 years old). And that's when I was killed by two people with OP everything. I spammed chat until I was banned. That just goes to show you, spamming solves nothing. No need to get worked up on anything. I would understand getting super angry but there's no need to get so mad to ruin the fun for yourself, because someone is trying to do just that. I don't know where the fun is in TRYING to get people mad.
Yes. I have never been griefed (Thank Athena I haven't), although I have seen a griefed house on a different server. It was my friends brother, who destroyed the house, and put up signs, like "You know who I am, Beware me...." and stuff. And of course on still a different server where I had a house (all of these servers are stupid, I deleted them from my multiplayer list) the same friends brother got inside my plot (which I had perms on because I couldn't afford my own res, and she was nice) and killed my only animal. He wouldn't leave, and a mod had to ban him. I wouldn't call that griefing, since he gave me the drops of the animal, but still.