[EVENT] Early Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by wipple5, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. I'll take 19 thanks!
  2. Number 14 please :)
  3. Soz people got there before you D=
  4. Okay. Than number 3 :)
  5. 5 please! yay! Easter! woo! lol
  6. 2 Please :)
  7. When is the draw?? :p
  8. after the event :)
  9. 10 plz and i will try to make it
  10. Suspicious.... It's on April Fools
  11. Psychc you got REALLY ninja'd
  12. oh yeah, it is :)
  13. I believe you can take no. 12 off the list as BugsyWPfeiffer was recently permabanned. He may be trying to reconcile himself at the moment but judging by the fact that he was banned for ongoing offences and threatening fellow players.
  14. QUICK! get no.12
  15. MOVED TO 8pm DONT MISS IT!!!!