Thanks to my being easily distracted by imgur (To settle that debate, it's pronounced Imager), and came across this comic series the user kantackistan created based on images of weirdly shaped veggies people upload. Enjoy, cause you know, EMC likes weird things. EDIT: ALSO UM I GUESS WARNING FOR POSSIBLE LANGUAGE AND ADULTISH THEMES INVOLVING STRANGE SHAPED VEGGIES! Ep 1. Ep 2. Ep 3. Ep 4. Ep 5. Ep 6. Ep 7. Ep 8. Ep 9. Ep 10.
Haha, I did too until I found 13 and had to back track a couple. I'm trying to update the list as soon as they come out xD. Since the Artist has to go back to school since Spring Break is over, they said it will still be going on, just not daily like it has been. xD There's a Craig wallpaper as well
xD Yeah that's why the artist started the comic. Everyone finds weird veggies that keep getting added.
My favorite by far is the celery stick that is always excited. "I'D LIKE TO RECOMEND THE EVERYTHING!"
Poor Ralph, we need Craig to come and say something really overly excited and awkward when Ralph is there.