[Auction] DC of lies

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Champ4now, Mar 8, 2014.


Next Auction?

DC of Dirt 7 vote(s) 30.4%
DC of Boats 10 vote(s) 43.5%
DC of Rotten Flesh 6 vote(s) 26.1%
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  1. The cakes will be mine!
    4,000 rupees!
  2. Nope. 4999. BEAT THAT BOIIIIII
  3. 5,006 rupees!
  4. Not valid, minimum bid increase is 100r next legit bid would be 5099r.
  5. I read his post wrong.

    5,120 rupees.
  6. I give da liez to u free for 10 internetz. O ya and 5555
  7. 5,700 rupees. I'm not giving these up.
  9. Im leaving on vacation in afew hours sooooo.... 15k.
    Champ4now and hashhog3000 like this.
  10. Fine. 16k.
  11. Bump.
    I don't bump to get more out of you, I bump to get more out of others that, in turn, get more out of you. :p I've never had a bidder get rid of the middle man before, increasing the price on his own doing.:cool:
  12. You can have this. 16,000 for 54 cakes is too much for me.

    Isn't playing on EMC as a banned person's alternate illegal? Especially when the person was banned for creating password hacks?
    penfoldex and Mirr0rr like this.
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