[BUSINESS] Magma Deals [Coming Soon]

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by CoryLovesYou, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Hello, I am a Semi-New member of EMC and I have been working on collecting supplies to build my own shop. I built the shop in Creative Mode and so far it looks great. The Main part of the Shop is within a Volcano protected by glass. The visitor can enjoy the view of Lava flowing all around them or even climb the erupting Volcano on the outside. See more details below:

    Remaining Supplies Needed:
    30 DCs of Cobblestone
    30 DCs of Oak Wood Planks
    30 DCs of Glass
    5 DCs of Stone Bricks


    Birds Eye View of the Shop:

    Shop Interior:

    [({ TO BE UPDATED })]
  2. Looks good, I may be able to help with supplies :)
    Nccoryg likes this.
  3. A residence on one of the regular smp's is 60x60.
    A single layer is 60x60= 3600
    There's 3456 items in a DC.
    You ask for 95DC of items.
    With those blocks, you can fill about 95 layers on a residence. Solid.

    Specific calculation:
    3456x95=328.320 blocks / 3600 blocks per layer = 91,2 solid layers.

    That's going to be one massive shop lol!
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.