[GiveAway AMA] 800 Days and my Birthday

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Roslyn, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. can i use my alt :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. NoNoNo.... You did that wrong.
    Supposed to be: 14,k, Are you very sexy? ~_~
    Or: 14,k, How many girlfriends do you have
    OR: 14,k,
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. No Alts allowed. Its common courtesy to not use an alt.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. I'm still in kindergarten.
  5. How much would you give if you could?
  6. Making deadline to sign up for a # This Thursday! (13th Pacific Time!) The drawing will be Friday to give way to a happy Valentines Day :)
  7. FYI 14 is a number that I want.
  8. 39

    What its your Favorite block in Minecraft and why?
    southpark347 likes this.
  9. My favorite block is Glowstone xDDD
  10. 31 please. What are the colors for?

    Also, how old are you turning? .-.
  11. An Age c:
  12. 49. Whats you favorite thing about emc? why? what is your favorite staff held event?
  13. My Favorite Staff held event is the Creature Capture because its something most players feel comfortable doing and its generally for fun with no prize added. The prize is the fun itself for everyone to experience. Very competitive with fun for everyone :D
  14. 32 pl0x XP and congratz

    how do u plan on celebrating? (ie. party, spend time with friends, spend time with family, play mc all day, etc)
  15. Well that already happened, the giveaway part hasn't and the drawing ends today c:
  16. Deadline in 8 minutes for this, get your spots quick!
  17. Well, using Random.org: First # was 40 (no one had that). Second # was 46 (no one had that again odd enough).
    Strange Enough, the last # was 18 which happens to be the # that my Roommate picked.
    HurferDurfer1 Wins the Giveaway!
    AliceF3 likes this.