I support this, would be awesome for people we trust but don't trust entirely For all you people who are going, This is an access chest! It really isn't, like Olaf explained Exactly, You want to give someone container flag, but you don't want them to specifically TOUCH that chest. Get it guys?
This technically already exist. So simple, place a block over the chest that you don't want to give them access to. If they don't have build its impossible for them to access it. You could even go a little further and hook up a stick piston to a lever.
Tada answers :3 If that wasn't clear: Mr.Steve has all the flags on someone's res because he's a good boy. Suddenly Mr.Steve meets a tragic death in lava. Mr.Steve turns evil and attempts to steal someones stuff, but oh no a dirt block! -Shfshfshf Pofhm- Dirt block gone, Mr.Steve gets the diamonds and makes all his gear and laughs "Mwahaha!" and later gets banned :3 In a parallel universe where the restriction sign exists: Mr.Steve has all the flags on someone's res because he's a good boy. Suddenly Mr.Steve meets a tragic death in lava. Mr.Steve turns evil and attempts to steal someones stuff, but oh no a dirt block! -Shfshfshf Pofhm- Dirt block gone, but wait! There is a RESTRICTED sign on the chest! Mr.Steve pummels and breaks and TNT'd the sign but it wouldn't come off! Mr.Steve got sad and walked away, making everyone happy and no one gets banned! -2 Days Later- Mr.Steve has a full set of diamond armor and his best friend is now his BFF <3 Because of the sign, it brought friends closer together and prevented any diamonds from being stolen, The End! I'm so proud ^
I might have missed that in the OP, but you don't have to explain it to me Erik. But I do like the story. I like this feature but I think instead of restriction it should be the lock, like the wild as to not add another unnecessary word to use on signs. This shouldn't be a priority, but should hopefully come at some point.
I can see the reasoning behind this, I'm not sure I think it's necessary. I don't think that anyone should be giving container/build perms to anyone they don't trust %100. If there's any doubt that they might steal your diamonds, then they shouldn't have any perms. Access signs and residence perms should work fine in my opinion.
Here is an example of why: I own a small and cramped shack on utopia to house my villagers and space is a must so I have this setup: Someone needs to deliver something to me. I cannot use access signs and I do not want to rearrange my set up. I have a ton of emeralds in storage and while i trust the person I am paranoid and think you can never be too careful.
I'm confused. You say you can't fit access signs in, which you would only need one of. To do the restriction sign set-up, if I understand properly, you'd need to put a restriction sign above every single chest except the one being delivered to.
right now I am talking large scale. Delivery is just an example. If someone is delivering several dc's of an item, there is not much of an efficient way to do so. If there is one chest, an access chest is okay, but several chests together like in the photo is hard and space consuming. It is mainly for personal use but that is the example I use.
Would simply allowing 'lock' signs in town solve this? Rather than coding a new system to do the opposite, which IMO seems counterproductive, and lead to more problems anyway. Just allow 'lock' signs in town IMO. Though you'll run into the porblem of someone placing a lock sign on a container and the owner of the res unable to remove it.