--- Scruffy's Emporium - 10034 - SMP5 --- Currently Under Construction Announcing New upcoming mega-mall by NZScruffy.Just Type: /v 10034 Due to lack of funds, and resources, still much work to be done. However, there is already products for sale, and a few items will be selling in Bulk while construction continues. (see below for details) For Sale - Bulk Stock:ITEM - QUANTITY - PRICE -- Currently in stock Enderpearls - 16 - FREE -- Stock: 10 DCsSugarCane - 1728 (1 SC) - 135r -- Stock: 30 DCsIron Ingots - 1728 (1 SC) - 2600r -- Stock: 1 DCRed, Orange, Brown, White, Light Grey Stained clays - 1728 (1 SC) for 2500r -- Stock: 29 DCsHardened Clay - 1728 (1 SC) for 2500r -- Stock: 12 DCs . I will update this information as things change. Please come check again soon. Cheers NZScruffy
More information on Scruffy's Emporium: I will endeavor to keep all blocks in stock by regular update of prices, contracting bulk suppliers, and employing players looking for 'jobs'. (I will advertise when these 'jobs' become available). After Construction is complete, there will be public services and attractions available such as: - Public tree and produce farms - Multi-Level Enchanting + Anvil and Crafting table. - Information Center (with Teleports and info on many shops, services, and entertainment locations) - Mini-Meuseum - Casino and Amusement Park - + more public attractions/services as they are needed. We will announce special sales of different blocks whenever possible (and stock levels permit) Scruffy's Emporium will stock: - All blocks, of all colors, always in stock. - Bulk amounts of major raw materials. - Enchanted tools and armor - Most Potions - Most Enchanted Books - Some rare/EMC unique items - Basically everything of use in EMC, I will endeavor to keep stocked.
I see you found the iron potato. thee is still more. And i restock 1-2 DC's a day of ingots. Still heaps of hardened and stained clay for sale.