Hello fellow EMC People, today I am asking you master builders for some help and in reward you will earn some $$$. My plan is to start being more active on EMC again, and to get back in the groove I would like to open an ores&minerals shop, but you see I am a terrible designer... This is where you come in play, I would like YOU to design me a shop that has enough room for all ores and minerals and maybe some extra chest shop chests for a few other random things I have in surplus. What you do: Start up a creative world and build a nice design, I dont want something that takes up more than half a res. Use any materials you want that you think will look good. Once complete with the build take a screenshot and PM it to me with the title "Ore Shop Design", whoever's shop design I like the best I will ask for the world download (I dont know how you put it up for download, I only know how to download it xD). 1.7 ITEMS ARE ALLOWED ESPECIALLY DARK OAK. *HINT HINT* EDIT: This is how you make a world downloadable. Pay: Each submission I receive will get 500r, you may submit more than once but only receive the 500r once. The winning submission will receive 15,000r. Deadline: November 30th I hope everyone enjoys this little contest, and I hope I get a few submissions at least. ~Stew
nothing I saw on your res was big enough to put all the ores plus a few extra chests, I would also like it if it were on a creative world so that you can implement 1.7 items. *hint hint*
Er... do you prefer "Ore Stew" or "The Ore Lodge" as the name of your store? Or something else, of course. My design is coming along well!