[Auction] DC of Fire Aspect 1 books

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Jelly_Jay, Nov 3, 2013.

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  1. I will be able to transfer the money to you tomorrow once I get off of work. I am pulling a 24 hour shift today.
  2. Uuummm…. You didn't win yet.
  3. I was just going by what the auction holder posted. I am waiting to hear just what is going on.
  4. you didnt win so im still winning with my bid
  5. Which is 8k
  6. The end time says "48 hours", not the typical "48 hours after the final bid". That has to be interpreted as 48 hours after the OP, which means it ended at 3:15pm EST, Tuesday. Dreacon had the highest valid bid by the end time, 7.5k bid at 3:07pm EST, Tuesday. It's over. :)
  7. Man, I boned that. Teaches me to chime in. Dreacons bid of 7.5k was at 4:07pm EST, Tuesday. Which means with a 48 hour end time, BTH won with 7k bid at 12:08pm, Tuesday. But I'm leaving this to the auctioneer and a mod. I'll be quiet now. :oops:
  8. So i have one ?
  9. well if it is 48 hours after final valid bid then it would still be going as I would have bid again. Can we get a ruling on this so that we know if it is ongoing or what? If it is still going then I would have bit 8.5k, but when I saw the message I won then I stopped bidding. I can message a mod to have them take a look and make a ruling on this so me and BTH can figure out if one of us won or if we are still bidding against each other.
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  10. messaged a few mods and am waiting to see what they say.
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  11. the auction says it ends in 48 hours, so whoever was the last to bid in that timeframe should be the winner
    this bid was the last one within that time
    also jay2500 please limit bumps to once every three hours after the LAST post not just your last post
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  12. SO i have one the books ?
  13. yes
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  14. ok i will pay, and then you can set up the books
  15. I have paid where do you want me to pick up from
  16. I think in the future the auction holder needs to put in the exact ending time if they are going to make it end in a set amount of time and not a set amount of time after a valid bid. This will help eliminate any confusion in the future.
  17. Sorry I have been gone for a while and sorry Next bid I will be Exact so BTHarrold98 wins the Auction ! I will set up an Access chest at 18886 on smp9
  18. Doesnt the better cord mod come with xray?
  19. the problem with that is they are going to put whatever time is their's and then there's going to be a flood of questions of the sort: "what time is this british/australian/chinese/antartican time". 48 hours from start works fine but you can be exact if you wish.
    Dreacon78 likes this.
  20. Ya putting that the auction ends 48 hours from the first bid works well also as then everyone can see what the time is based on their own time zone.
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