[Auction] SC of Enchanted Pickaxes

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by THE_LEGEND4, Nov 1, 2013.

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  1. Dreacon Good luck i am not bidding on this one
  2. Thanks Mizzo. I hope I can get it.
  3. np i spent enough money this week
  4. Bump. The current bid is at 21k - still very cheap!
  5. Bump! Don't let Dreacon escape with this sweet deal!
  6. Bump, c'mon guys! This is still way too cheap!
  7. Final bump before Dreacon runs away with this cheap deal!
  8. Congrats! You're the winner of the auction. Once payment is received, I will setup a chest at 14984.
  9. money sent
  10. Chest is set up at 14984. SMP7.
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