So it's my 600th day and stuff...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by journeynaut, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. 3 please. Are alternate accounts allowed? If so, then 23 for Ark_Warrior2. Also, what is your favorite type of food? (I.e fried, sand which, pasta, etc.)
  2. Best food ever is pizza from Mellow Mushroom.

    I should have stated this earlier: No alts and you can't win if you are banned.
  3. I am not banned and ok I was just asking, put my first account in please. :)
  4. Congrats i am close as well! :D 10 please

    Best Moment in EMC? :p
  5. 19 please. how old are you in life?
  6. I am exactly the age I am, neither older nor younger. Sometimes I feel the like the youth in my body, other times I feel as old as the trees.
  7. 9. How many of the 600 days have you played EMC?
  8. 24 please! Congrats on the big six-double-O! What was your first day of EMC like?
  9. 30 or whatever isn't taken


    So, favorite Zelda game?
  10. 16
    Nice 600 :D

    Also, favorite video game company?
  11. I don't actually know anywhere that information is stored. Not close to all of them, though; I recently came back after a long break.
    The first server I played on was smp4 simply because it was the first to have an empty slot. I claimed res 8873, and the whole place seemed magical at the time.
    I am going to be controversial and say Twilight Princess. I really don't know why people like to crap all over that game now. Oh, and Wind Waker is a close second.
    This is copy/pasted from a recent thread: There are quite a few developers I like, but a lot of them haven't put out more than one game (or I have only played one game they have put out), so I can't say for sure that they are good (see: Playdead, Dennaton, Supergiant Games, thechineseroom). And there are some places where I really like the work of specific teams, but I know there has been a lot of crap put out by the company on the whole (see: 2K, Taletell). And then there is Valve which is always awesome.

    Palmsugar likes this.
  12. 7 Please! Also happy 600th day! Hmmm A question... Favorite band/ singer? :D
  13. My favorite band is Cult of Luna.

    Seriously, listen to all of the song, because the end is too epic for words.
    Darkangledav likes this.
  14. Q.Q i nearly broke my speaker i think
  15. Oh, I can post some speaker breaking music.
    Darkangledav likes this.
  16. lol, I shall have nightmares tonight xD
    HylianNinja likes this.
  17. Woohoo! Grats on your 600 + days! This coming from a 50 day guy, hehe. :D Since it looks like there are open spots left, can I get number 23? Thanks. BTW, do you read manga? You listed your favorite anime, but I didn't see a manga.
  18. Happy 600th ! Getting close to mine soon. Any number that's not taken.
    Is JackBiggin secretly a potato?
  19. I've never actually read any manga.
    Everyone knows that Jack is a highly intelligent hamster.