The funny picture thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. SlipKnot lol
    sideshowallie likes this.

  2. (hope no one else posted this already :p)
  3. slash14459 likes this.
  4. This is what I found as my background on my laptop today after getting it back from ISMOOCH...

  5. image.jpg my parents did this as a joke once.
    DogsRNice likes this.

  6. (cats from underneath a glass table)

  7. Please dont post pictures with inappropriate language or other inappropriate content

    Shady manatee says: Thank you.
  8. Or put it in a hidden thingy magigger and warn people of the content
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. just-look-up-schrodingers-cat-on-wikipedia.png

    Confused? Try to download the image.
    Mayoman100, smile3, DogsRNice and 2 others like this.
  10. I am pretty sure that is common knowledge. I really hope most of the general public knows about that.
    princebee likes this.
  11. I think i get it...

    Shady manatee says: But what do you mean with the download thing; is there more to the joke?