So liek I haven't been getting EMC forum notifications cause I have like not commented on anything, anyways, to get back into the forums..... 5k giveaway So, I'll be asking 5 random questions about my likes and such. "But Minner! What if you hate me and change your answers so I can't win!" Welp, DragonFlame be my IRL bro, so I paid him teh Cash Monies and stuff so he has looked over answers and he will not be participating, But since I gave him cash monies he will be honest and such. Anyways, if you feel I'm cheating you, PM me, and we work it out dawg QUESTIONS:1. What's my favorite Color2. What's My favorite Pokemon (Leaf Green and sooner)3. Do I liek Halo or COD better 4. ANSWER TO TEH LIFEEEE5. Favorite MINECRAFT youtuber So you gotta get 4 out of 5 right to win and if no one gets 4 right by tomorrow night, I'll pick the closest one.You can only guess ONCE and I'll give hints now and then Good Lucks
Here's a hint.... Skythekid is the best person ever!!!!! /sarcasm Sorry, you no get 4 right, but who knows, if your the closest by tomorrow NIEN.... sorry D:
1. What's my favorite ColorPurple of course :32. What's My favorite Pokemon (Leaf Green and sooner)That green one3. Do I liek Halo or COD better COD4. ANSWER TO TEH LIFEEEETo be Minner \o3o/5. Favorite MINECRAFT youtuberCaptainSparklez
Answer to Life, duh Alts are allowed like tomorrow ( 2 hours ) but if you post it now, idc I'm not gonna hunt you down
I know all teh answers MWAHAHAHAHAHA *next day people lock me in a room and be like TELL US THE ANSWERS NOW*