New guy on the block

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MichaelPiccolo, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. SMP1 has melons :3
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. Smp8 will never get it's time to shine... :(
  3. You joined on smp1, I was there. Why'd you leave :(
  4. Indeed we do, but smp 1 is getting crowded now, I need a nice place like smp 7 for a bit.
    deathconn likes this.
  5. ..not you too
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  6. Smp7 is really the quiet server everyone thinks it is, it gets rowdy :p
  7. Don't worry xHaro, I'm just alternating between the two :p I'll stay on both, I wouldn't dare leave SMP 1 fully.

    Its quiet when I'm on, but is saying that, I live in Australia, and I'm one when its always quiet (week days). Lonely me :(
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  8. smp8 is my home mang and my best friend lives on there.
  9. Then join us....we have the potato! :D
  10. I have joined SMP 7, I'm just not fully moving there. Only partly.
    deathconn likes this.