My thoughts, because I'm just that important. Recommend the least popular server, broadcast the "has completed the tutorial" message on all servers, and have a /welcome command Would be something to the effect of: "Crazy1080 welcomes you from SMP2" My two bits.
Defiantly support this idea. But for /welcome, instead of spamming it in chat, it will private message the new player the /welcome.
that would get primetime hours theres a new person like every three minutes or something. i think it would be incredibly spammy at those hours
SMP6 is the recommend server because it has the lowest average online players. This means no lag and not a loud community. This is good for new players to get used to the server but this does not make it the best. SMP1 is a bit too populated and filled with newer players who don't know what they are doing, smp2 is great with good builds and nice people but underpopulated, smp3 has a good community but is too quiet, smp4 is in-between and pretty much perfect, smp5 is like smp2, smp6 is like smp3 and everyone lives in the wild on both, smp7 is the best of all worlds with a great community, perfect population, cool builds and always things to do. SMP8 isn't a wasteland but needs more population and is a bit boring. SMP9 is smp1 but with more experienced players; my only complaint about SMP9 is that deathtomb pretty much OWNS smp9 and everyone is addicted to pyramids there.
I figured that was given, since it was in second person. For people that are concerned about it being spammy.. it wouldn't be. Seriously. It wouldn't be. If you insist, just add an option to turn it off.
P1: Lets see how many times I can do /welcome! 1 /welcome, 2 /welcome, 3 /welcome.. Soon the new player will be spammed so much he might quit because he doesn't know how to turn off chat. So maybe it can show in chat, but if there was an option, they should allow it to only /welcome once.
I am sure aikar could make a coding that would allow you to do /welcome once a new player has joined. So like when they join, a code triggers to allow everyone to do /welcome.
Outlining everything as clearly as I can: When a new player joins, everyone is informed. You have the option to type "/welcome mr_tiny" or what have you. You can only do this once, because for some reason this wasn't readily apparent. The welcome message would only be broadcast to the person who joined. There is a limited window for welcoming someone.. even if they were being spammed, it wouldn't last forever. Only players online at the time of joining can welcome.. unless this is impossible. You would have the option to turn off the cross-server join message. If I left something out, and I probably did, it has likely already been accounted for.
Really? Because one of my friends tried to join smp2 three days ago and was kicked and told to make a forum account...