OBAM Plays GTA5: Online

Discussion in 'Share Your Let's Plays and Other Videos!' started by IcecreamCow, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. This thread will be dedicated to videos of us playing GTA5: Online. It will mainly be funny fails, shenanigans, and trolls.

    As GTA5 is a mature game and there is likely going to be a lot of bad language, viewer discretion is advised on these videos.

    This first video is of myself, TehSpiders, and GameKribJim

  2. cool have fun!:)
    ApeEmperor likes this.
  3. im still having connection issues XD
  4. Yeah...we finally got to the point where we could actually connect to the game. Still have random drop outs now and then...but it's getting there.
  5. Do she gotta booty... She doooo
    As GTA5 is a mature game and there is likely going to be a lot of bad language, viewer discretion is advised on these videos.

    ElectricKiwi and DemonThunder345 like this.
  7. Right, how many spots are left in the OBAM crew? And at which times do you usually play? (GMT+1 time?) And it's a PS3 crew I presume :p?
  8. Oh my IceCream. What have you done.

    Stahp Taking things up with Helicopters! >:-D
  9. Xbox crew...but you can join and rep it via the PS3 side. There's no limit to who can join. :)
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  10. Request sent, I'll see what I can do via the PS3 side :p
  11. I think it would be awesome if a ton of OBAM crew members all got together and just went crazy (like in these videos)
    Although it would more then likely end with a burning city and 3 liberated dairy farms :p
  12. wait what? where is this application? :confused:
  13. Rockstar social club :p
  14. Ohhh...
  15. I think most of the OBAM crew is on the xBox side. Btw, ICC, take over Fort Zancudo with the xBox part of the crew ;D
  16. Good idea Eclipsys...anyone have any other ideas you guys would like to see us do?
  17. Can I apply there for things other than GTA and other Rockstar games? because I don't have GTA :p
  18. Yeah. I think once you're in our crew, any rockstar game counts for you being in our crew. I think. Haha.