[AUCTION] Crazy Auction of Numerous Rare Items!!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MR2R2M, Oct 10, 2013.

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  1. Are the Eggs used?
  2. 2 of the 3 have been tried out.
  3. In that case, stats must be listed :)
  4. Why? What regulation states that? What does it matter? The stats are the same as what they were released for the promotion! One has a major speed boost, one has a major jump boost and the other has a major health boost.

    The aution rule for stats only applies to auctioning 10 x generic 1.6 horses where the stats must be listed. These are promo items.
  5. Well for one thing, just the boosted stats are universal. You might have an above average speed Saltar (I believe thats the jumping one), which makes it worth more. And also, you should list the egg that isn't used, those are worth more too due to the chance of getting an above average horse.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  6. Ahhh I see. Thanks for the info. Totally didn't know that! Will get pictures of them later today when I get home :)
    jkjkjk182 and FDNY21 like this.
  7. Yep, example with Valens, we know it has 34 HP but I think it is in the rules that you should know what the speed and jump is, as jkjkjk explained :)
    MR2R2M likes this.
  8. Thanks :)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. UPDATE (More info on horses):

    As requested the pictures of the horses (Note Incitatus is the unused one!)

  10. Bump, come one guys its definitely worth much more than this!!
  11. To give you an idea of the valuation for this auction:

    I auctioned complete set of the armour (incl. tools) for 80k
    The horses were bought for 35k each.
    the emc new years 2012 firework was purchased for 20k.
    the other items (benches, roses, fireworks and stable voucher) is about 15k
    and a beacon is worth 10k.

    So total value of auction is:

    (2 x 80k) + (3 x 35k) + (20k) + (15k) + (10k) = 310k

    Lets have some more bid warfare people!!
  12. Current bid is at 195k
  13. Hey MR2R2M I was about to ask if that was your bid, but figured you may get mad at me. :)
    MR2R2M likes this.
  14. Don't get cheeky with me boooyy :D
    Dreacon78 likes this.
  15. I am sorry Mr. MR2...ummmm ya ok..nevermind..
    MR2R2M likes this.
  16. I think you are going to win it Deacon :p
  17. Don't count your eggs before they hatch! 200k
    generalfelino015 and MR2R2M like this.
  18. Every time I see an alert of someone liking my post on here my heart sinks as I think someone outbid me!
    MR2R2M and generalfelino015 like this.
  19. Ahhh come on I only had a few hours left :mad:.....this 3 days thing is killing me. I keep getting close to it and then someone else bids and it starts all over again....:confused:

    205k (my current bid)

    This gets to 250k and I am dropping out.
    MR2R2M likes this.
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