[Auction]Enchanted Books ✹ Bows ✹ Iron ✹ Potions ✹ Paper

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by CrownOfEgypt, Oct 9, 2013.

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  1. 42k ... Looks like we'll be here a while.
  2. Ok so as per the "disclaimer" If the auction has been paid for you may NOT re-auction or re-sell said items. If a player has paid and not picked up a auction in a timely manner contact a Sr.Staff member to resolve the issue at hand
  3. Oh, I'm well aware that if it was paid for, the deal has been "done".
    I simply placed that disclaimer because there have been issues in the past. :)
  4. some people were a little unclear and confused by your disclaimer is all

    they are expected to pay withint 48 hours yes. but your disclaimed stated " picked up" implying if paid for but not picked up, you may re-auction/sell which is not the case.
  5. Oh, I just realized how bad that disclaimer was worded, mind changing it to "if item is not paid for"? Sorry for any confusion. :)
  6. Well you could always give up. :)

    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  7. done
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  8. Thanks a ton, really appreciate it. :)
  9. 62k ... Like I said. We'll be here a while.
  10. Congratulations! You have won the auction! Please make payment to me and pick up the items at residence 4149 on smp2. :)
  11. I will transfer the rupees to you once I get home from work today. The chest is already set up right?
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  12. Correct. :)
  13. ok I have to finish putting together my desk top and then I will be logging in and transferring the money to you. Thanks for your patience.
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  14. money sent items picked up. Thanks man.
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  15. No problem. Enjoy the items. :)
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