[help] Can't see alerts, inbox, or personal header.

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by BrickStrike, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. ..lies
  2. Aikar pls what if I get an alert in this time ; - ;

    Edit: phew
    boozle628 and HylianNinja like this.
  3. dont kid yourself.
  4. ok i think its fixed now. Somehow It let me rename it to login and overwrote the login template... I swear xenforo needs to work on some safety "This looks like a bad operation, but im going to silently let you do it"...
    Parkerjv9, mba2012, cddm95ace and 4 others like this.
  5. Mayybe its time to upgrade xenforo.. :p
  6. Actually, it is up to date.

    Edit: no it isn't.
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  7. Well. Okay den ;3
  8. No, it's not.

    Main problem is exactly what this issue was about -- Over thecourse of EMC, things were done to make the site better but did not consider the impact to upgrade ability.

    Some of the templates used by the forum system are modified and can not be updated without some extensive effort to find what ones were modified and restore the changes after an update.

    Then there's also core files that were modified like this too... It's going to be a challenge to update.
  9. I stand correct ;)
  10. So is this the reason why "Partners & Friends" is "Recently Active Threads" now?
    A little change, but it bothers me :oops:
  11. recent is still there, just added partners to show there too :)

    Though need to remove the dupe on home page now...

    But wanting to make it nicer to our partners, as were trying to build more so EMC can grow :)

    So much work has been done the past week focused on growing EMC!
    RainbowChin likes this.
  12. ah, reading that post, I meant to say above it.
    Could we have the Partners on top on the front page and the Recent Threads on top on the forums page?
    mba2012 likes this.