My 365 Bday :D

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by DrowningWhale, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. hail ya

    my fav number :D
    Gadget_AD likes this.
  2. bumpy
    Edit: i just realized that i am an active member...
  3. 23 if not 123 if not 223 if not 232 if not 132 if not 32! Happy birthday!!!!!! What's ur favorite type of cheese??
  4. um can you make a more clear number plz? and probably smoked cheddar
  5. 23
  6. hey guys i'm piking a number today so i'm letting a couple more people get in on dis
  7. 28, what time is it?
  8. 299, and what's your favorite anime (if you like anime that is)
  9. Grats on 1year! :D ill take 214 :D
  10. i dunno

    Sword Art Online :p
    Edit: i forgot to pick so i'm doing it right now
  11. You are the winner :D
    i will set up an access chest on my res spawn 4 u :3
  12. It was the penguins I swear...
  13. You put the sign on front of the chest it ha to be above it :p
  14. You should write which are taken. 150 please
  15. It's over, and doing that with 300 numbers would be extremely time consuming :p
  16. 166, pokemon x or y?...

  17. wat.
    And it has already finished... :p
  19. 73 happy birthday