Do you know what science could accomplish by studying this creature? In theory, scientists could use it's genetics to perfect human immortality. It grows a maximum of half a centimeter large, and it's a water creature. I don't see how it could get stepped on.
This is very fascinating. It reminds me of another cool animal (I forget the name of it). It's basically a wasp that when it stings its prey the venom in the wasp dulls the animals mind and kind of controls the animal. Then the wasp leads the brain frozen animal to a place it seems fit, then eats the animal. It usually does this to big ants and other bugs. Creepy but interesting at the same time.
Sounds like a cat Cats have this thing that basically controls mice so that they stand still instead of run away.
Intimidation? And who says that Shady Manatee is a "she" Shady manatee says: I most certainly dont...
This animal's immortality comes from its ability to turn back into a juvenile anytime its needed. Personally, I'd rather not turn into a baby every couple of years...