Tutorial Easter Eggs :) (outdated)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Sep 29, 2013.

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  1. I didn't find the ones in the pseudo town, and in the Survival/Stable rooms.
  2. is there 1 in the lobby

    Shady manatee says: Otherwise, slash and I got all of them (but mostly me)


    Shady manatee says: What ever helps you sleep at night...
  3. I found those I can't find the last one where is it xD

    I will now be giving hints as to where the easter eggs are.
    If you pay me 15r and start a convo with me (title needs to be "<easter eggs> hint") that describes the room, I will give you a hint about where to find the easter egg, and trust me, the hints will be good ones.
    Also, as far as I know, there are none in the lobby.
  5. I found one egg that didn't give out items it was just funny :p
  6. If anyone needs help tell me when I am online and I will give you clues :)
  7. was it "Lamp lamp lamp I'm a laaaaaaaamp"?
  8. huh. is the tutorial new or something :confused:
  9. a little bit ;)
  10. What is the command for the tutorial again?
  11. i havent found any :( idek what to look for?
  12. Little stone buttons in places where most people wouldn't go :)
  13. nerp a secret one that needs an enderpearl to get to and out of
  14. All of them.
  15. I haven't found one thing. /ragequit
    trent948 and bitemenow15 like this.
  16. Where's the one in the stable?
  17. none of them require enderpearls.

    And not even the mods knew of these :) I hid them in last moment haha.
  18. how else are you supposed to get into that small a hole? (this egg don't give rupees or items its just funny)
  19. PM me what you mean? Might be an accidental button...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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