So I am just playing minecraft right? All of a sudden I just hear this random Train noise. About 30 minutes later I hear it again. Any explanation? I got none.
its a noise to indicate a void with a low light level it can be anything a small cave that only generated as a one block hole to a player made room
It was not that. I swear I heard it right behind me. It was loud and definitely not a MC sound. Kind of like this:
Well you must be going crazy. It had to be the train horns. There is no MC sound that could possible say what it did. It could have been a advertisement video and even outside. I don't see it possible. It HAS to be one of the MC sounds
im making a sound resource pack there is no train sound other than the cave sounds it does change the pitch of the sounds to make it seem like more sounds that might be it
Yep, you're crazy. You have a very rare strain the the Trainoexclamtius. You should be able to perish with in 12 hours.
maybe a recorce pack? or just you live by a train station, I live about 20 miles from the nearest train tracks and I hear them all the time