Hello, who here is a Brony.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Jeanzl2000, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. I dunno... maybe my amazingly Bubbly attitude :D
  2. Watch it on YouTube like I did. This guy has every MLP episode posted on his channel.
  3. On second thought, you're Derpy Hooves... :)
  4. lol, I'm not that much of a klutz...
    on second thought...
  5. So, what's the updated list of bronies?
  6. Can you please make it, I think I don't have the time to update it atm, at page one or two I posted the last one, I think.
    It's not too hard to see who's brony and who's not, by just watching page 2 and 3.
  7. Okay, so I found this really cool artist (who I also got my profile pic off of), he's called Ziom05. I'm not sure if you've heard of him or not, but he is one of the best artists I've ever seen.

    WARNING: Some of his stuff has a rather dark theme to it.
  8. Well Cordial made me watch and episode and it was kinda interesting so I guess :I
  9. I've never watched an episode in my life. I just like the fanfiction
  10. Why would the chin eat his chin?
    And i am not a brony, not at all
  11. Being a brony is like being a fan of a dubstep artist. You might recieve some hate but you just need to be yourself.
    sideshowallie likes this.
  12. I'm a brony.
  13. I like dubstep and ponies :p

    If you have a problem with bronies, take it elsewhere. You didn't need to come to this thread.
    jtc0999, Olaf_C and Cordial_Pie like this.
  14. So, this is alive again? Hmm.
  15. Hmmm?
  16. Be careful with what you read on those, they can get pretty.... intense in some cases.

    If you have a problem, please leave. No one is forcing you to partake in ANYTHING MLP releated.
    sideshowallie likes this.
  17. Please leave. If you don't want to be here, then don't. We aren't forcing you, and I am quite offended by that post of yours.
  18. Hey guys, remember that we are a community, and while you may not like a particular answer, please remember that everyone deserves their own opinion, this goes for bronies and non-bronies alike.
    607, slash14459 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  19. To add to the above, if you plan to post intolerance such as the video link already posted, keep it to yourself. All EMC rules apply just as much on the forums as they do in game.