Know your way around the school. It's my Freshman year, and on the first day, If I didn't pick up a map, I would be late to all my classes. I just started last Tuesday, but I feel like I know everything.
Well, if you can, try to take one this year. If you don't like it, either deal with it, or talk to your counselor. I'm taking AP human geo this year (freshman as well) and while the workload is hefty, it can boost your GPA to over 4...
Gahhhh you are lucky. My school doesn't weigh classes, and so while I am taking all the hard classes, there are nooblets taking ridiculously easy classes and pushing my class rank down (Got 2 B's in spanish -_-).
;-; that's no good. Well my Spanish teacher expects us to be able to speak a paragraph fluently after only about 5 classes (a grand total of about 7.5 hours of learning)
Mines a public high school. But with all the checks for class fees you'd think it was a private school... All dat cash mooney...
just try and relax. Thats the best thing you can do. Usually when people stress is when they do poorly (at least in my experiences, I'm in 10th grade btw) and also do all your work and don't wait till last minute to do it because if you do then another teacher says "oh I'm giving you a bunch of homework" then you don't have time to work on the thing you were pushing off and getting it in late. Not handing in assignments can get you a zero and if those stack up then your grade can go way down.
Keep a straight face during class (even if somebody barfs peas and carrots onto the professor's shoes or something), be nice and respectful to everyone and everything, remember that it will end (even if it doesn't seem like it)... and... study. Oh, and study, too. Did I mention that you should study? But seriously... study. And study hard!
THAT, my sir, is not true (the second part, anyways), My parents never know anything that I learn in school, it's changed so much. I know more in 10th grade than my parents learned in whole high school. So, while the first part is true, the second part is very false. -Goof