A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Wooo, I dodged a bullet.. I forgot about 2 of my Shimmers and neglected to influence them and realized after it was too late to influence them and they both gendered properly.. One was a golden baby.. :3
  2. Some more hatchlings would be good-I'm new to the site and I seem to have got the eggs that need the most feeding.
  3. 2000?How many to mature?10000?
  4. ... the alt isn't. that is what i said IF it hatches into.
  5. About 4,000 to become adult. :)
  6. jacob5089 likes this.
  7. And to think that I just wanted a random egg from the AP.I think paper eggs are kind of rare though.
  8. you don't have a paper egg? .. lol that is an albino egg.
  9. I'm rubbish at telling them apart.I've got a few that I know,but not many.
  10. Here's how to tell a Paper and an Albino apart: They will be the same color, but the Paper egg will have only two dark lines on it that intersect.
  11. I think the site is down
  12. NOW it's up.Wasn't when I posted.Oh,and to tell the status,check if my sig has a ? Error pic in it or not.
    It's kind of funny how someone traded me their gold wyvern for a blue egg with a swirl on+generic Pygmy egg.
  13. Actually,if it's a good dragon,I don't care about CB or not.I actually like ones with lineages a bit more.
  14. Currently having issues with trying to hatch tinsel dragons.2 in fact.
  15. They need like 4-10k views to hatch.
  16. Two of my Tinsels only have 2,000 views and they're full adults. The other two have 4,000 and they're also adults.