A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Accepted :D
    On a different note, anyone know what egg this is?
    I've seen quite a few on daycare websites.
  2. What?
  3. All those dragons... I've got one or so rare ones but you...
  4. I'll try to get you one, sometimes I breed all 3 separately and I ever get one.
    EDIT: Never mind, I got one. I will only accept trades from Qwerty189. Just give me any random lame dragon in trade.
    Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings
  5. Okay, I'll try to get you something you don't ahve. :)
    {EDIT} Offered a bluna, DC name is same as MC. :)
  6. One hundred.. fifty.... eight.. pages......... wut..
  7. Why is the tiny egg in my sig nowhere near hatching?It's had 500 views.
  8. It needs like 1,500, at least. Prob more like 2,000.
    (Tinsels need like 10,000)
  9. Do I have a rare?It was listed as common.At least one is hatching.
  10. Unfortunately you have no rates.
    Put the, in allure of neglected dragons to get them tons of views.
  11. I prefer dc.makegames.de, put them there. Plus, it has a trading thing ;)
  12. HELP !!! My Poke ggs and Dragon Eggs!!
  13. i want to trade this -> for the new egg that is slightly green ->

    and if my new black egg -> turns out to be a black alt, i will happily trade it with the silver if you'd be awesome and get me the greenish egg above :3

    here is the link for the Silver..
  14. I put them there already.
  15. As far as I know,the black is a common one.
  16. Its not so much dead.. a few of the main poster just seem to have quit posting.. :oops: ..I blame FF14, SR4, Skullgirls and Sims 3 personally.. <,<
  17. If you haven't figured it out, its a Duotone Dragon.. o,o ..It was one of the 2 new 2-headeds that were added.. The other one was the Opalescent Lindwyrm or something like that..