How do you set up a system that pays players that put in any item?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by gollark, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. This might work but instead of ":S free" do ":(rupees amount)" not sure if this would work though and I'm to lazy to find out.

    Edit: Took the time to read above most and find that its not a good idea cause people can sell dirt to you with this method so forget about it :p
  2. It won't quite work.
  3. Wouldn't that be your fault for having a flaw in your system that you clearly knew about?
  4. It isn't a flaw but more of an exploitable glitch. Using server lag to cheat a player is not allowed on the empire. I will try to contact a moderator about this though.
  5. He could always make a better system. It's not like he can't stop it.
  6. No need to be so rude :)