Awesome Mining Loot in 1 Hour

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Lionkev, Aug 8, 2013.


Is this good for the time?

Yes, totally 20 vote(s) 80.0%
Pretty average 4 vote(s) 16.0%
No you just wasted your time 1 vote(s) 4.0%
  1. Congrats on the goodies. Pretty good for an hour.
  2. That's awesome :) I just find mineshafts and raid them :rolleyes:
  3. It is now time for version II of my epic loot! I went on another mining adventure like the other and here are my loots! Not nearly as much diamonds, but more of everything else.

    Attached Files:

    Gadget_AD likes this.
  4. Sweet!
  5. Sooooooo… do you strip mine a 2x2 hole? I want teh loots. :(