Momentus... not as hard as he looks when you use a good strategy

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hashhog, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. I sell shiny flesh at my mall, so it was somewhat useful to me. :)
  2. So maybe useful if I need to take down another one. But, still, I like my viruses...
    Is there any strategy for taking down Marlixes?
  3. I've killed about 9 Momentus's, none of which I used a bow, and rarely use armor.
  4. 9?! Did you die trying to take down one at least?! If you took down 9, wouldn't you be like a legend, cause I only took down 1. :p
  5. The Momentus crushed my armor....
    With the resistance, I think I'll just leave it off next time.
  6. Hmm, no...actually once I did because an Enraged Zombie was sitting next to my Spawn Bed.
    Sweetie_Pea likes this.
  7. Marlix is hard to defeat because he is always moving and flying around. I guess just keep shooting arrows.
  8. lol!
  9. BussGIL, the giant slayer...
  10. For Marlix, just shoot him a few times with arrows and then he should start coming down, and then just use your sword.
    Sweetie_Pea likes this.
  11. regen 4, mining fatigue 3.