Ah, right. Verbose mode basically shows you all of the "behind-the-scenes" actions that the computer is going through when it starts up. But, diving deeper into Mac forum sites, I found out how to boot into safe mode and also open the Apple Hard/Software Test. Turn on the computer while holding down the shift key to go into safe mode, then do whatever you need to do, then shut down. At least this way, you'll get some access to the computer. For the test, hold down "D" instead of shift. Then, click "Test" and let it run through. If there's an option to do a full/extended test, opt for that. If anything shows up as a failure or error, let me know. I'll keep researching this and let you know of anything else useful.
In the end, we handed it in to a local Apple retailer who will try replacing the Hard Drive. Thanks to everyone that helped!
I was... was going to say that there is something wrong with your java/wine skin. Still, I'm glad that you've got that problem sorted