This goes to both you you. If you had a chance to meet " Any " celebrity, Who you it be and why. Try to answer this impossible question: Explain the difference between Left and Right.
For Tehspiders and IceCreamCow: What are your favorite things to do in Minecraft? Do you plan to still be on EMC for many years to come?
Both of you: How old are you exactly (in EMC days): The reason I ask is because earlier Hash and I were discussing what exactly we were going to do on EMC next and that some how got into our conversation. He's 641 and I am 637 I believe.
For the Both of you How's the Empire impacted your life since it can to be? Icecreamcow are you a murderer because you know your from Wisconsin?
Smooch's Second round of questions: Do you plan on the youtube thing to be successful enough to do it all the time? If it does reach a demand of viewers, are you guys both dedicated enough to continue to do that? (mainly looking at spiders) Is there a game you guys are currently super psyched about coming out? How long have you guys been friends? Is there a cool meet story? If there isnt I do not care to hear about it. What are your ultimate aspirations? Forever internet entrepreneurs, or do you have some long term goal of undeniable happiness? You just won the lottery (to be fair we will say 200 million after all taxes paid), what are you going to do with it now? Will I ever be able to escape the name Sassy? I just have to say, that although the definition does seem to fit me, it is awfully feminine. (Jeremy) Lets say another game like minecraft comes out, that we all like or something, ignore the variables, do you think it would possible to shift EMC from 'Empire Minecraft' to 'Empire Community' and make it just a community place that associates itself with other games as well? You dont have to answer if it does not make sense, it did not come out as cleanly as it was presented in my head. Do you see Minecraft ever reaching a point where it just stops? (I hope not) Whats your favorite TV show currently? What is one thing that you saw invented in your lifetime that you are sure you had the idea for first, and just not the resources? Most people have one. So both of you can answer. Last question: What is your favorite tongue twister?
1. Why was ISMOOCH picked to be a mod " i mean common " <3 2. Of the two of you ICC you seem to be the bigger troll "on EMC at least" what is the worst/best troll you have pulled on a EMC memeber 3. Scotty doesn't know. < is this true? 4.Favorite Sc-Fi movie and TV- series 5. If you could pick the coolest res within EMC, whos would it be and why 6. Why is ISMOOCH so sassy? 7. How did you two become so awesome 8. What is your goal in life?
We still plan on doing this guys, just a heads up. We just have like 1000 projects going on right now...all pretty epic stuff. So feel free to add more questions you'd like to know. Also, ISMOOCH has basically become a bonafide member of our OBAMGaming Tribe, so you can direct questions toward him as well for this.
This is to sassy smooch. What is your favorite moment in Minecraft? How do you like being a moderator, and what can you tell others about wanting to be one? How did you grow up to be so sassy?
1. What is your favorite part of empire 2. What part of the future of empire are you most excited about.
I second this. I can't read that without thinking "The President is doing Let's Play's now? Doesn't he have better things to do, like run the country?"