Buss 500 Days AMA & Giveaway

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BussGIL, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. As very few of you may know, my main account is: game_is_loading. Today, I have reached 495 days since I first joined EMC, so I decided to do an AMA and a small giveaway. The giveaway/AMA instructions will be below.

    When I first joined EMC awhile ago, I started off on SMP1. Seeing as there were no residences open at the time, I moved to SMP6 (where I still had somewhat of a difficult time finding a "good" residence). At this time, the servers were thriving and were extremely busy; on the weekends, it was even hard to get a spot on SMP6 and often took numerous tries.

    When I first started SMP6, I created a little shop, just like any other new EMC player. It was pretty fun supplying my own shop, and I enjoyed every minute on EMC. I spent countless hours playing during the summer time. SMP6 was great, and it was basically dominated by magazijnierk's shop and Promotocross110's shops. When that first summer after I joined was over, I decided to take a break from Minecraft due to school and other things (such as, not enough time since I played a few other games). I was inactive for quite some time, but popped in here and there to see how the server was doing.

    Towards the beginning of 2013, I decided to try and get back into Minecraft, EMC in particular. It was a pretty good decision, I'd say, as I have enjoyed every minute of it. A few months ago, I moved to SMP1 and built my Jungle Biome res at 972. And, after my birthday, I decided to make an alt account (this one, of course). I do most of my playing on this account, since it is my supporter account and is the one that some of you may know me by.

    Friends I have made on EMC [in no particular order]:
    Baby_Cookies, Spiffiey, Bunkerllama, melk73, Jcplugs, Faithcaster, xHaro_Der, bitemenow15, JackBiggin, Olaf_C, JMB6362, Todd_Vinton, magazijnierk, promotocross110, and many others!

    AMA/Giveaway: Since I'm about to hit 500 days, I will be doing a giveaway. There will be 50 spots open for the giveaway, and the winner will earn 15,000r.

    In order to be eligible for the giveaway, you must post a number (that has not already been taken by another person) and post a question for me! Note: I reserve the right to not answer your question... Alts are not allowed in this giveaway, so if you are caught using an alt, you will be disqualified and lose your number in the drawing and lose my respect for you. I want it to be fair!

    1. generalfelino015
    3. deathconn
    4. THE_LEGEND4
    7. xHaro_Der
    10. Spiffiey
    12. oO_Jetfire_Oo
    13. TheMinner333
    14. xI_LIKE_A_PIG_x
    16. WolfThunderBlade
    17. Luckypat
    18. homer71171
    21. runtaylorun1
    23. Baby_Cookies
    25. Kev20022
    26. KoenJanssen
    30. boozle628
    32. BuddaJulez
    33. MasterMockery
    37. Jcplugs
    38. Electrobomb
    41. nick5013
    42. Kephras
    43. SDOliveira
    44. samsimx
    47. darksuperlord
    49. slash14459
    50. penfoldex
    Faithcaster and Baby_Cookies like this.
  2. First! Lucky 7 please :)

    On a scale of 1-10 how awesome am I :)
    BussGIL likes this.
  3. Congratulations on 500 days! I'll have #4 please. :)

    Question: Pigs or Cows? Pumpkins or Melons? Carrots or Potatoes? Water or Lava? Stone or Cobblestone?
    BussGIL likes this.
  4. 13 and What's your favorite memory with a mod on EMC?
    BussGIL likes this.
  5. 16 XD

    How did u first learn about EMC? XD

    EDIT: sry, i was in a rush, and i had forgotten-Congratz! XD
    BussGIL likes this.
  6. 16 please! Congrats on your 500th day! You well deserve it! :D

    One question, do you like "PFUDOR"?
    BussGIL likes this.
  7. Sorry forgot to post my question. Umm what kind of milk shake do you like? :)
    BussGIL and TheMinner333 like this.
  8. In order to be eligible for the giveaway, you must post a number (that has not already been taken by another person) and post a question for me! Note: I reserve the right to not answer your question... Alts are not allowed in this giveaway, so if you are caught using an alt, you will be disqualified and lose your number in the drawing and lose my respect for you. I want it to be fair!

    It looks like he added you, but you might wanna ask him a question
    BussGIL likes this.
  9. lol ok well first of all i posted a number that no one chose seeing as i was the 2nd person to post xP and second of all.. I am not using an alt. I do not have another account?
    BussGIL likes this.
  10. Definitely 10!

    Pigs, Pumpkins, Potatoes, Water, Stone. :D

    Getting kicked by Jack 9+ times in the massive SMP1 Group Chat Channel when Groups first came out.

    From a Forum that had a list of the top Minecraft Servers!

    If I knew what is was, then maybe!

    Peach Milkshakes from Chick-Fil-A :)

    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx, it seems like you got ninja'd! Try another number :)
    o0_Jetfire_0o likes this.
  11. Favorit res to shop at?
    26 please :D
    BussGIL likes this.
  12. Sorry forgot to post my question. Umm what kind of milk shake do you like? :) lol even though i am posting this 2
    BussGIL likes this.
  13. I just copied it, not saying your using an alt
    BussGIL likes this.
  14. 44 plox
    Gratz Buss :D
    Edit: What is your most fond memory of Smp1?
    BussGIL likes this.
  15. Pssttt! Sam! You need a question! Quick! Before Buss notices!
    BussGIL and samsimx like this.
  16. 12 please and happy 500th :)

    whats is your fav film or series?
    BussGIL likes this.
  17. lol then what is the problem?
    BussGIL likes this.
  18. Definitely Todd's shop at 413.

    Too many to count. I did enjoy helping build Kells' Haunted House, as well as watch her and Spiff have a conversation with signs on melk's res.

    Picking a favorite movie is too difficult because there are so many, but my favorite TV series is The Walking Dead.
    o0_Jetfire_0o likes this.