It's jack!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Cordial_Pie, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. You cant hide the truth...
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. I'd like a phoenix, in the middle of a desert, bathing in an oasis, staring out at a sunrise.
  3. I'd like a zebra with red and black stripes with white wings in a gazebo :p
  4. but... but.. i like your character image now :( its so perfect.
  5. Looks like fun guess I'm in :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  6. Make me... just make me... no questions.
  7. Jack and Icc, I expect some kind of compensation for making you a new avatar. :cool:
  8. I will try to get to all of you but if you pay me or otherwise give me items your picture may get done quicker.
  9. Can you make one of me cOrDiAl_PiE
  10. Jack handles all my compensation invoices for services of people making me a new avatar. You can see him and his personal funds. :)
  11. Get on two and I will :p
    Your fishing reel reeled in some smackaroos :p
  12. Wahoo! Mine gets done faster :p
  13. Could you draw my Minecraft skin? :D
  14. Actually, forget my previous, I wan't ^That^ now :)
  15. Miss nife budei, I will pay u 1k for this
  16. A ninja, with either a full white/black back ground. Make it look like the ninja knows what he's doing, like me. :p Also, if you could, include a samurai sword somewhere. :D
  17. wait what is this about? is it a picture drawing thing? i guess of you want stick figures made in paint tell me :p