Windows 8 isn't that bad... It just feels abit broken... Not worth the $399 for an OEM though *to be noted: I have it running on my MacBook Pro... With the windows 7 drivers... Works fine *to be noted II: I normally use OSX as it just has a nicer multitasking interface *to be noted III: I got it for school...
hmm but it's games like Starwars Battlefront 2 and the VERY retro games I just couldn't get them to work also at the time IDLE was a pain on it xD and also I don't have a touchscreen so it's no use at all the new features xD and I also don't need the performance upgrade. (well i did on my laptop) ;p
Get number 2!!! it has more RAM, therefore being faster. also, I thought squizzel_boy was leaving empire minecraft...
Please, please tell me you're joking, if not, stay away from threads about computers, for a looong time.
Now to be serious. If you want a Computer for general use (meaning playing games VERY smoothly, writing school papers, python and java coding etc.) this is for you. 21.5" screen, and here are the specifications. ( I took a screenshot because Im too lazy to write them out. That is if you are willing to pay an extra $1 or 2 hundred.
Is that an IMac? I own one myself and would say if you want to play games besides MC then just custom build a windows. My PC was 1k without a graphics processor and my brother gave me his (1 year old)old $200 processor for free. It gets higher frames than my iMac which was $600 more by about x5 and allows me to play any games I want. Definitely stick with a custom build.
oh I left the servers not the forums ;p and you are completely wrong with the RAM thing I really cant belive I just read what you put. RAM the more the better but it's not what makes a PC good or bad 8GB of RAM is fine for PC gaming infact you only need about 6GB but that's not my point you need a mix of a good CPU GPU HDD/SDD internet speed and RAM for a good PC if one of these is bad you're not going to have the most fun time PC gaming ;p
Correct, Howewer, It should be noted that sometimes you can go over 8GB if you really put your mind to it Also, Ive had no problems with Windows 8 and since I only payed 249sek = 36USD for it, I can't really complain. Plus that if your running a multi monitor setup, then windows 8 will kick windows 7 ass since there alot of multimonitor features on windows 8 that don't exist on windows 7...
yes but 8GB is all you need unless you edit and or run servers from home... or just want that rendering quicken ;p and I have to say the option with the SSD will probable be the better ;p
I never use it all, making your argument about 32GB irrelevant and I use Adobe After Effects, Never gone above 10GB usage
Okay, then you need something with higher ram than either of those, because one has four gigabytes and the other has eight gigabytes.
No, no no, no.... You really only need 4-8GB depending on the application, any more and RAM will do nothing, Anything above that will do literally nothing to increase performance of the computer, if you base your opinion on a computer based on the RAM then, well, sigh. You want to look at the GPU, CPU and also check if it has a Solid State Drive when looking how good a PC is. Also, those PC's have 8 and 16GB respectively.
All the RAM does is store all the data for your current session on your computer. Everything is stored there before being written to your HDD or SSD. Your FPS is all about your graphics rendering, so you CPU and GPU. I think people have this illusion that MC needs loads of RAM because the servers need RAM. Servers need RAM to store and process the constant stream of information from players on the server executing commands and placing and removing blocks, or just moving around the server. Yes RAM does help your performance a bit, you don't need PILES of RAM.
But in the end you can have an amazing PC but with bad internet (High ping, slow download or upload) you really cant play on Multiplayer on games and expect to not have dysnc/lag
The only reason to get a Mac is if you are the artsy type, or are into hardcore video editing. If you are into video editing, even then it would be cheaper to build a Windows 7 based Hackintosh. I can't believe that it was actually suggested that someone play games on an iMac -_-