The AFK Sneakshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by heyaroo, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Chillin with JabrZer0 and Aikar!

    Future Moderator when he was Iron Supporting!!!

    The rare, AIKAR!!!

    ICC on smp1!

    Justin on smp1!

    ICC placing some tnt in town, Plugs and Chin are dancing along with him :D
  2. hehe lol, I remember that skin
    Jcplugs and heyaroo like this.
  3. :D
    heyaroo likes this.
  4. 2013-05-18_22.35.50.png Hanging out with britbrit3197 while she is afk \o3o/
  5. I got a few.
    2013-04-26_16.37.39.png 2013-05-12_16.32.51.png
  6. 2013-06-21_12.37.18.png
    That is all.
    _Stads_, xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and Nole972 like this.
  7. 2013-06-21_07.34.34.png
    Having some fun with dirk. :p
    (The arrows are shiny)
    _Stads_, xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and Nole972 like this.

  8. Quickly made this when she was AFM. :p
  9. 2013-06-22_13.50.08.png
    If I find you AFK, you're in trouble. :p
    -={Edit}=- aaaand just noticed my x coord...
  10. 2013-06-22_20.42.19.png

    Took Jack's picture while brickstrike was surrounding him with cobblestone. :p
  11. 2013-06-22_20.49.31.png

    Me and brick hanging out in New Republic :p
    _Stads_ and brickstrike like this.
  12. Which texture pack is that? o.o
  13. R3D Craft 256x. The best one is 512x512.
    BilboBaggins23 likes this.
  14. Caught Faithcaster2 AFK at 1111

    Caught him again at 1112
  15. *looks through his collection of snapshots to find a pic of peeps*
    jacob5089 likes this.
  16. ...*find there are none of me and peeps and goes to kill AFK peeps :/*

    Wait WHO in the know world reply's to their OWN comments... * face-palm*
    brickstrike and jacob5089 like this.