[Graphic Contest] Looking for a person to make a nice Logo

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Eclipsys, May 26, 2013.


Are you happy about my return?

Poll closed Jun 2, 2013.
Yes! Welcome Back 22 vote(s) 91.7%
A Little. 2 vote(s) 8.3%
No :( 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Let me just go open paint.....
    Chascarrillo and Faithcaster like this.
  2. Logo and signature, if you want I can do it with any font.
    Eclipsys.jpg Eclipsys2 copia.jpg Eclipsys2 copia.png
  3. Can you try a more spookish/smoky font? And edit some more solar effects into the background :D!
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  4. sure
  5. eclipsys.png


    Signature is coming.

    Here it is:

    elcipsys sig.png
    marknaaijer likes this.
  6. Don't hug me i'm scared...
  7. Gave it a shot. Had a tough time with fonts since most of the "spooky" ones are pretty thin and the Eclipse layer styles I was trying don't play nicely with thin fonts.
    Banner-sized for thread header use, can be downscaled to 80px high and will match current sig size.

    And a profile-suitable pic just because.
  8. burp-a-flurp
  9. I feel like fractal spirals are too overused...

    N O P E
    brickstrike likes this.
  10. I really need this 15k. I will try my hardest!
  11. Here's my humble entry.

    The bars represent the Dutch flag. The Minecraft font looks the best with the modern theme of the banner, but I could swap in another one easily.
  12. Can you make that a more smokish and fluent font?
  13. A little less then 2 weeks left :D!
  14. Same dimentions as old sig.
  15. bump-a-dump again
  16. 1 day left :D!
  17. http://imgur.com/Ha4aEtY

    I know it kind of sucks but if there is anything you want to change. Please just tell me.

  18. the face and the eclipse are too close, you could widen it a little
    jayshane likes this.
  19. Sorry for the late submission. You can always give me more feedback.

    brickstrike likes this.