A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Looking for golden wyverns, If anyone could breed me one.
  2. Yea, I'm sure that'll be coming. LOL :D
  3. I would've cared about the new eggs, except that they're Pokemon eggs.
  4. NEW DRAGON NEW DRAGON... I think.
  5. Yes new dragon for today....another new one tomorrow :D
  6. Great egg depression!!!
    No eggs to be found on any biome!!!
    The world is ending!!!
  7. Not a depression.. Birthday celebration, ironically.. 7 new dragons, with one being released each day.. Today's is the Black Cap egg in the Coast.. In 2 hours we shall know about tomorrows drop/location.. :)
    battmeghs likes this.
  8. I know, but my eggs will hatch soon and I won't have any more eggs! I've already bread all my dragons this week!
  9. Well...I joined pokemon GPX. And...it's interesting.
  10. I managed to snatch one:
  11. Does anyone know what the next biome will be for the Thursday newbie?
  12. 53 more min...
  13. Apparently its in the Volcano..
  14. New location: volcano.

    Edit: ninja'd. I'll be watching you...
  16. Me too :(
    Look on AoND to see what it looks like.