3 people died in the boston bombings. 100 or so people died that same day in Syria because of bombings.
well you could make a copy of the street with the bombs and have wool blocks where they were and then have different wools where the people died. gosh, i sound so mean
The difference is that in one, a war is going on and it is inevitable for people to die. In the other, it was an act of terrorism.
To be honest I am not "using" any of my res right now but I have future plans for 3 of them. The other one is just sitting there for now but I can't unclaim cause I am no longer diamond. But, I do have an ult who havn't taken up a res yet
This is really lame, but you could make it an open dirt dig for anyone to get stuff from and just let everyone take any dirt they need without having to ruin the underground of their own reses.
It was your fault. It was you who started the flame war. And it was you who continued it. Also, does it looks like I care the 3 people were killed in america? Over 500 people were killed in Bangladesh when a build collapsed. And one person survived 17 days trapped in the rubble. And you probably didn't even know about it.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! FEZ IS AWESOME! /rage quit But, seriously why not? It's on steam, great game, and it would be fun!
Ok, i agree, i continued the flame war. Sorry Soulpunisher, i did not mean to be rude, i can be quite rude accidentally. But still, MBA, you would care if it was somebody you knew. And to insult my intelligence by telling me that i do not keep tabs on the rest of the world was quite, quite rude. I take that personally. Gosh, all of the people i looked on as idols are slowly turning to hate me
Please do a tribute to Sandy Hook Elementary School. My friends mother was in the parking lot at the time and she was lucky that she ran late.